We are in a new phase of globalization

Pantheon Insights leverages OSINT research methods and multivariate data analysis to analyze how secular shifts in 21st-century geopolitics impacts businesses, markets, and economies


The impact of political volatility on financial markets will deepen and widen as international relations evolve and mutate.

Populism, nationalism, hegemonic rivalries, and deglobalization are secular risks affecting businesses that are vulnerable to changes in global geopolitics. Pantheon Insights helps its clients navigate the labyrinth of international relations, foreign policy, and geopolitical trends affecting their overseas operations.


Geopolitical tornados of sanctions, trade disputes, and wars are afflicting markets and clouding the outlook for investors.

International relations will continue to exert an impact across asset classes as these risks evolve and demand adaptive strategies. Pantheon Insights identifies market-driving forces and produces forward-looking forecasts on geopolitical risks for clients with exposure to developed and emerging market securities.


Geopolitics is pressuring nation states to orient away from efficient integration and towards prioritizing domestic security.

These macroeconomic changes are compelling countries and companies to shift their supply chains, renegotiate trade frameworks, and form new multilateral alliances to maintain their operational integrity and economic dynamism. Pantheon Insights works closely with its partners to understand what is driving these changes and how to prepare for an uncharted global paradigm.

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