What is Pantheon Insights?

The tectonic plates of geopolitics are shifting as multilateral fissures are transforming the global landscape of trade, finance, and politics. In short, we are in a new phase of globalization. Countries are now reevaluating their reliance on foreign suppliers, seeking to secure critical resources to safeguard their economies, and accelerating investment in strategic technologies. As these risks grow, markets, economies, and nation states are being forced to navigate a complex landscape where uncertainty and volatility are no longer the exception, but the rule.

Looking ahead, geopolitics will play an even larger role as emerging powers, regional conflicts, and technological competition shape a new global paradigm that demands adaptive strategies. Pantheon Insights leverages OSINT research methods and data to analyze how these secular trends impact global business operations, cross-border capital flows, and economic dynamism. We specialize in generating actionable research in geopolitics, markets, and economies to give business leaders a competitive edge for navigating the political economy of the new global paradigm.

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Dimitri Zabelin is a Geopolitical Strategist and founder of Pantheon Insights. Previously, he served as a Policy Analyst at the World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and deputy to the organization’s signature project: the Data for Common Purpose Initiative. Dimitri worked closely with Fortune 100 companies and government stakeholders in India, Japan, Colombia, Norway, and Kazakhstan to develop a system of globally-interoperable data exchanges with commercial applications. His team’s research has been featured in global events including Davos, the Global Technology Governance Summit, and the 2023 G7 summit.

Mr. Zabelin also previously worked as a foreign exchange analyst at DailyFX/IG Group, where he specialized in optimizing trading strategies for geopolitical risks. His research on the intersection of geopolitics, markets, and economies has appeared in numerous publications and media outlets including BBC News, Reuters, The Diplomat, Forbes, WEF, Oxford Political Review, and many others which have translated his work in Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Dimitri holds an undergraduate degree in political economy and a masters in global political economy from the University of California, Berkeley. He received additional training at the London School of Economics & Political Science where he also serves as an Associate of the university’s think tank and a Fellow of the Oxford-based, University Consortium network .